Sunday 5 June 2011

Term 2, Week 5

During this week i completed cutting the outside and began to sand the curved bottom with the oscillating sander.

Then I sanded the top of it because it wasn't very square:

Monday 23 May 2011

Term 2, Week 4

This project is very slow due to missing lessons because of Bill Turner and the Naplan last week but hopefully next week I will get a lot done. This week I just continued with cutting out the shape of the sides and I have begun to curve the bottom with the coping saw.

Sunday 15 May 2011

Term 2, Week 3

This week I began to make the two out side pieces of my kitchen rack. It is coming along very slowly because we havent had many prac lessons due to naplan.

Sunday 8 May 2011

Term 2, Week 2

This week was a fairly unproductive week because I have missed some lessons and have only had 1 prac. During this prac I marked out and cut the two horizontal pieces that will hol my drawer in place.
I used:
- Tri-square
- Saw

Term 2, Week 1

This term we are designing and creating a kitchen rack.
There has to be a housing joint, one part of that has been turned on the lathe and at least one drawer.
During week 1 I designed my rack and now I am ready to go into the practical side of it.
Here is a picture of my kitchen rack that I will be making.

Monday 28 March 2011

Week 4

We attached the base of our box and took it to the belt sander to take off any uneven edges. We started to cut the cubes for our blocks.

Thursday 3 March 2011

Week 3

We finished the frame of our X and O's box and added dividers in the middle using half joints.
- Mallet
- Chisel
- Saw
- Tri square